Generational Zones

Your Intuition Is the Key!

Change your very personal map towards healing. The body and the soul decide how it is implemented.

If you wish, you can let your higher self choose and draw a card so that your soul can choose the task itself.



With the generation points, we can resolve and transmute many conflicts and physical, emotional, mental, and psychological obstacles that are ancestral and have been passed down from generation to generation. 

These may include:

Pains, unredeemed feelings, secrets, cords, curses, occupations; so-called hereditary diseases, black magic, vows, suicides, unkept promises, old contracts, unresolved forces, old childhood injuries, everything that was manipulatively caused from an external source etc.


These are stored in our body and we carry them within us down to the cellular level. Each cell carries the whole universe within itself - an unimaginable opportunity, possibility and magnitude of healing for us.


The generation zones have nothing to do with the chakra system. The generation is the primordial force where the parents merge with their sperm and egg and have nothing to do with the blood system. That is, even after an exchange of blood, the generational system remains.

Seven generations preceding and following us have an effect on us now and on our lives. So also everything that we resolve and transform for us - here and now - has a positive effect on our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren ... until the future 14th generation. Everything on the DNA level that is not beneficial is deleted. (similar to the Activation of the Light Body).


Through removing the so-called obstacles allows the original life force to flow freely. It now means that our whole experience becomes more focused and more precise. Our " vision" improves, and our transformational power increases. We, therefore, gain access to our strength and power.

Also suitable is this technique to dissolve all the religious ballast and religious rituals that hinder us in our current spiritual development (7 generations back). All currently practiced religious rituals, such as those of the Protestant and Catholic churches, constrict or damage our chakra system. With rituals of any kind, you can manifest everything in a moment and destroy everything.


 The generation zone sessions are different from the generation frequency when performing the Light Body Activation:



Location of generation zones:

There are seven generational zones on the arm. They represent the seven ancestral generations and contain all the ancestral information.


The following diseases can be treated with this technique:


Healing takes place in silence.

We draw strength from silence.



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