The Fibonacci Spiral and the Organs according to Yamsaro/Natara®
However, our DNA has gradually been severely altered by various manifestations so that only 10% of the original DNA, in which the Fibonacci spiral was embedded, remains.
Only through these drastic changes were illnesses, deficiencies, heaviness, fears, and so on possible to affect the DNA.
For the first time, we have been given the techniques and knowledge of Cosmic Organ Anatomy that can restore harmony to our DNA. After activating Cosmic Organ Anatomy, these areas in our DNA are gradually restored and connected to the original frequency of perfection so that all the manipulated areas are transformed into health, peace, harmony, courage, vitality, joy of life, happiness, and so on.
The following beautiful frequencies are now available to humanity again and will be accompanied in this research project:
Sessions are offered via Zoom call/remote treatment (phone) with your photo, first name/last name, and date of birth or in person.
If you want to contact me. Then, just send me a message via the contact form below or WhatsApp.
Telephone: +49 (0)151 56311013
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So that we can change your life together, please download the waiver for Ramayana Füllecoach, fill it out, and send it back scanned/photographed to or upload it before the project starts.
I feel full of energy for days, thanks to Ramanaya. Thank you so much!!!
Andrea P. from Würzburg
Incredible. I just finished the abundance workshop and already won some money in the lottery. It works ...
Kersten from München-Sendling
Since the amino acid session, I can drink regular milk again. My intolerance is gone. This is a tremendous relief.
Achim S. from Frankfurt a. Main
Ramanaya is such a kind person, and how my life has changed is incredible.
Doris S. from Nürnberg
The healing techniques used are not in lieu of psychological or medical treatment. Participation is your own choice as you are responsible for what resonates along your healing journey.
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