Free Codes & Symbols

Kamasha Academy has provided the following codes and symbols for free use, and the symbol and prayer may also be published together with the source reference with the permission of Kamasha Publishing House.

Oxygen code: Q + Q = M

With the code Q + Q = M, the purest oxygen is generated. This unique combination of letters activates an energetic vibration, improving the air's oxygen content. 

Q + Q = M may be distributed everywhere: In your own living space, at work, in the car, on the train, on the plane, wherever there are many people. The code Q + Q = M can also be written on the mask to improve air quality.

Protection measures against chemtrails

Anandara - Cosmic protection symbol

On many governments' behalf, airplanes fly over Europe, emitting a dangerous mixture of aluminum and barium. They are covering the earth with dense veils of pure toxins to prevent global warming, which is considerably more harmful than the greenhouse effect. 

Download PDF Anandara

Code 929279

A human being can only stand up as a human being

This formula with the numerical code 929279 is activated so that we human beings stand up again as human beings and meet each other again as human beings. It is about creating peace everywhere and about communication and experiencing vitality together.

Download PDF Code

Healing the Covid Virus 537354

Formula and numeric code for the protection, healing

and the manifestation of the healed Covid virus

This formula with the numerical code 537354 is activated to prevent all viruses and bacteria from entering the human immune system.

Download PDF C-Virus
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